
Ways to support

Your support is important in helping the Benjamin Creme Museum of Art maintain free public access to this groundbreaking spiritual and esoteric art. 

We appreciate your support. 

Fundraising Campaign 2025

Prior to the arrival of Covid-19 in early 2020, we were pleased to open at our newest location on Sawtelle Boulevard in West Los Angeles. Upgrades at this new facility provided for a professional presentation of a wide-ranging display of Benjamin Creme’s unique and compelling works.

It is important that we continue to present the modern and esoteric works of Benjamin Creme to the widest possible audience.

As an all-volunteer nonprofit cultural center we provide access to the museum free of admission and rely entirely on the generosity of donors to assist us in offsetting the museum’s expenses.

Large donations provide an important foundation in ensuring that the quality and content of the museum remains high. Alongside with those, regular monthly or quarterly recurring donations provide enormous value in establishing a reliable and consistent income that we can count on to fund daily operations. Whether your gift is large or small,
we ask your help in sustaining this vital work.

One time or recurring donation:

Clicking on the donate button below will direct you to our donation page secured and powered by Click & Pledge. You can make a one-time donation or customize your own recurring pledge (recommended) using a USA or International credit card, a USA debit card or by USA ACH/eCheck (direct electronic bank withdrawal). Donations are tax deductible for US donors and a receipt will be emailed immediately. You can cancel or change your recurring donation at any time by sending your updates by email to:

You can also make your donation through our portal at Network For Good.


 Borderless transfer:

To send a donation via international borderless account please visit or (low fees and 'mid-market' exchange rates).

Bank wire:

To send a donation via domestic or international bank wire please request instructions directly by phone 424.293.0054

or email at:

Mail a check:

You can also mail a check directly to:

Benjamin Creme Museum 

at P.O.Box 5264

Palm Springs, CA 92263, USA

All donations are used to directly support the work of the Benjamin Creme Museum

Donations are tax deductible for US donors. You can cancel or change your recurring donation at any time by sending your updates by email to:

Benjamin Creme Museum is a registered federal 501c3 tax exempt Public Charity under the Internal Revenue Code and contributions to the Museum are tax deductible under Section 170 of the Code. The Museum is organized as a California nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation for public and charitable purposes.

Benjamin Creme's remaining thoughts to the worldwide network of Share International co-workers were for continued service and unity. The cumulative power of thousands of Reappearance workers, each donating small amounts, combined with a few larger donations, will keep the museum open. We invite you to be a part of this vital group effort in presenting the story of the return of the World Teacher through the groundbreaking art of Benjamin Creme.

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